sep. 17-ish sep. 20

… is a somewhat codegolf-y 2D esolang based on conveyor belts, that will push values around in a factory.

Here are some examples made by the creator himself:
Sum of a list }
All Fibboncci numbers 1"<
Return only odd numbers {"v

See λ.land/convey/ for much more.

Values and Constants

There are three type of values: Numbers, characters and default values represented as _. A list is just a collection of values that are next to each other. Default values behave based on the function they are pushed into, f.e. _ into + is 0, _ into * is 1. Numbers and characters can be used interchangeably and will be casted to and from their ASCII value, though the resulting type will be the one of the main port. There can be only one value on a tile (exceptions are & and ~., which can queue values).

Strings are enclosed within single quotes, f.e. 'Hello World!'. If numbers, strings or _ are at a start of a conveyor belt line, they are generators and will produce their respective value whenever possible. If they are in the middle of a conveyor belt line, they are placed there at the initialization of the factory.

The program halts when no value moved last step and no value is waiting with ~.


Every function has a fixed number of input and output ports, f.e. + has 2 inputs and 1 output. Conveyor belt directions are inferred to connect each input to an output port. A program that is ambigious is erroneous. In this case, the conveyor belt operators are, as needed: > v < ^. They output into the direction they are pointing to and take exactly one input from any other direction.

All functions operate simultaneously. All functions, if not otherwise specified, will only consume and produce blocks if every input port has a value.

Many functions have 3 ports: 2 of the same type, and 1 of the opposing type. Whenever there are 2 ports of the same type, there is a distinction between the main and the side port. One example, - has 2 input ports and 1 output port. When both input ports have values, it will output the main port value minus the side port value. Or, in otherwords, "x - y".

Port order for input and output
Input: Output: Example 1 Example 2

A dot (.) in a function's output will alter the function.

Addition Maximum

(But wait, why does row 2 look like that?) This is because you put the . under the function you want to modify, then treat it as if it wasn't there. This is simply a minor inconvenience when dealing with grid esolangs like these.

Function Definition

A function is declared with an uppercase letter within a connected belt grid. Another function can then call this function with the corresponding lowercase letter. { and } are the functions inputs and outputs, and so a declared function can have up to 4 inputs and outputs together. For example:
{>A>+>} {>a>a>}

In the above example, every input value will traverse twice through A and will be incremented by 2 at the end. Recursion might or might not be possible in the future.


(Is this sorted?) Why, yes, it is. The order is: Data, I/O, Control Flow, and Math. (What do each of the headers mean?) The in and out headers show how many of them need to be put in or will come out simutaneously (unless the function cues). The _x and _y shows what each function treats the default value (_) like. this table was made via HTML Tables Generator
Symbol Name In Out _x _y Description
Number 0 1 Generate the number
Number 1 1 Start with the number
'…' String 0 1 Generate the string
'…' String 1 1 Start with the string
_ Default 0 1 Generate _
_ Default 1 1 Start with _
. Alternative 1 1 Modifies input function
` Reverse 1 1 Reverses port order in input function
{ Input 0 1 Input
} Ouput 1 0 \n Output
[ Cap 0 1 Dummy output
] Sink 1 0 Dummy input
, Join 2 1 Join two paths favoring main input.
# Crossing 2 2 Crossing: one path must be vertical, the other horizontal. They do not block each other.
; Gate 2 1 Whenever a value from the side port enters, toggles between a closed and open gate for the main path.
: Pass 2 1 1 Let y values through main path.
? Try 1 2 If main output is blocked, move to side output.
@ Steer 2 2 1 Move x to main or side output, depending on boolean y.
" Copy 1 2 Copy input to both outputs.
/ Raising 1 2 Output _ to side port on rising flank.
/. Indices 1 2 Output indices to side port.
\ Falling 1 2 Output length to side port on falling flank.
& Queue 1 1 Queue value if output is blocked.
~ Wait 2 1 1 Wait for y time steps.
~. Batch 2 1 1 Like & but only outputs if y values are waiting.
! Take 2 1 1 x duplicated y times.
$ Set 2 1 y
+ Plus 2 1 0 x + y
+. Max 2 1 -∞ max(x, y)
- Minus 2 1 0 x - y
-. Min 2 1 min(x, y)
* Mult 2 1 0 x * y
*. Pow 2 1 0 e y ^ x
% Divide 2 1 x / y or iff y is _, then signum(x)
%. Log 2 1 0 e ln_y(x)
| Mod 2 1 x mod y or iff y is _, then abs(x)
= Equal 2 1 x = y
=. Different 2 1 x ≠ y
( Less 2 1 -∞ x < y
(. Lesseq 2 1 -∞ x ≤ y
) Greater 2 1 -∞ x > y
). Greq 2 1 -∞ x ≥ y
&. Ceiling 1 1 ceil(x)
_. Floor 1 1 floor(x)

This is a remaster of the documentation of the progamming language (that could be esoteric), convey. Thanks to, uh, xash, for the original docs. you can access his itch at The interpreter? is here, and this is his mail. (he also has a broken rss feed)
also, some text in parentheses can be hovered over!